You may have heard the term — Stroke — before. You may even know someone who’s experienced one. After all, it affects about 1.8 million people a year in India alone, with thousands of these individuals facing long-term effects as a result. In fact, Stroke is a common problem for people between the ages of 55 and 65.
Understanding Stroke
Also called a cerebrovascular accident, a Stroke is a type of brain damage caused by an interruption in its blood flow. It occurs when the blood supply to a part of your brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing the brain tissues from getting oxygen and nutrients. When this happens, the brain cells begin to die.
Symptoms of Stroke
The symptoms of Stroke vary depending upon the area of the brain affected by a lack of oxygen. However, they typically arise suddenly and most commonly occur on one side of the body. Symptoms and signs of Stroke can include:
- Headache, nausea, and vomiting
- Trouble speaking and understanding speech
- Dimness, especially in one eye, or loss of vision
- Confusion and changes in the level of consciousness
- Loss of balance, strength, coordination, and sensation
- Weakness or numbness on one side of the face, arm, or leg
Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Exercises for Your Whole Body
Almost all Stroke survivors experience at least some physical effects. These effects — which include motor and sensory impairments — can significantly impair the ability to walk, work, or even perform daily simple activities (such as bathe, wear clothes, or get out of bed).
Performing simple exercises at home — coupled with various therapies from the best rehabilitation center in Bangalore — can help speed up the recovery process. Let’s take a look at some of the exercises that can improve your strength, range of motion, endurance, balance, and other physical skills in your entire body.
1. Wrist Curls
Hold a lightweight item in your palm and rest your forearm face up on a table or your lap. Flex your wrist by bringing your palm toward your forearm. This exercise is good for improving the range of motion and strength in your forearm and hand.
2. Shoulder Openers
Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and hold them at your sides and externally rotate your arms. Think about initiating the movement by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Perform this exercise repeatedly to improve your strength and range of motion in the shoulder.
3. Table Circles
Clasp your hands together and place them on a table in front of you. Using a churning motion, trace a large circle with your hands around the table. Try this exercise 10 times clockwise and counterclockwise to improve the strength and coordination in your arms.
4. Lateral Trunk Bends
Sit at the edge of your bed with your hands on your lap or palm down at your sides. Then curl your upper body toward the right, making a “C” with the right side of your trunk. Focus on really stretching out the left side of your trunk. Hold for a few seconds, then switch to the other side. This exercise helps improve your core stability and balance.
5. Forward Trunk Bends
Sit on a comfortable chair with both hands clasped gently on your lap. Bend forward as far as you can go, reaching your hands toward your ankles. Then, using your trunk muscles, sit up tall. Repeat this exercise to improve your core strength.
6. Hip Flexion
Sit on a chair or edge of your bed. Gently tighten your abs and keep your upper body still. Lift one knee as high as it will go. Hold for a count, then lower and switch to the other side. This exercise will help to strengthen your hip and core, as well as improve your pelvic stability.
7. Sit to Stands
Sit on a chair or edge of the bed with your feet flat on the floor. Ensure that your knees are bent, and also your feet are directly under your knees. Lean forward and then slowly stand up all the way. Again, slowly sit back down. Repeat this exercise to strengthen your core and legs and to improve your weight shifting and balance.
The Road Ahead
Recovering from a Stroke can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. With the right combination of these home exercises, along with consultation and treatment from the best rehabilitation center in Bangalore, Stroke patients can soon recover to live healthy lives.