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Regain your independence to walk again with Physiotherapy at Plexus

Regain your independence to walk again with Physiotherapy at Plexus

Whether you have suffered an injury while playing sports or have a chronic condition that affects movement, Physiotherapy is one of the most useful forms of primary care. It employs a variety of exercises to help you improve range of motion, improve gross and fine motor skills, and enhance coordination and balance.

At Plexus, our experienced movement experts work with you to develop a tailored physiotherapy program that restores functionality, guards against injury, and promotes overall well-being.

We use a variety of techniques including:
Manual Therapy
Exercise Therapy
Flexibility Training
Physical Adjunct Modalities (PAM)
Joint Mobilization

Massage And Muscle Stimulation Devices

Movement Therapy
Dry Needling
Gait Training
Strength Training (body weight as well as load-bearing)

Our therapists also recommend lifestyle modifications to prevent falls and injuries and help you maintain overall good health during the course of treatment.

Over time, Physiotherapy can help you:

Walk again

Regain lost strength
Reduce fatigue
Improve endurance
Reduce/manage pain levels
Improve motor skills
Manage chronic physical ailments
Recover sporting abilities
Boost self-esteem and mental health
Avoid surgery

What our patients say

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