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Improve your cognitive functions with Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy

Improve your cognitive functions with Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy

Losing one’s ability to think, plan, and remember things can be frightening. With Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy, you get the tools you need to process information inputs and respond to your environments. Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy is a set of therapies used to restore and enhance cognitive function in patients with brain injuries and neurological conditions.

At Plexus Neuro and Stem Cell Research Center, highly trained neuropsychiatrists, and occupational therapists work together to craft the best Cognitive Rehabilitation approach for each patient. We conduct a detailed assessment of your current cognitive deficits and set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, time-bound, and relevant) accordingly.

Four levels of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy offered by Plexus


Process training

Strategy training

Functional activities training

We also have special Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy programs for Dementia, Stroke, and memory loss in aging individuals, as well as tailored plans for children with Cerebral Palsy and Autism Spectrum Disorder.

With highly experienced specialists and a friendly clinic environment, our patients are assured of a smooth recovery journey at an affordable price. The benefits include:

Restored brain function

More organized life

Improved social skills

Effective communication

Enhanced confidence

Better memory and decision-making

Better prospects at school and work

With highly experienced specialists and a friendly environment, our patients are assured of a smooth recovery at an affordable cost. The benefits include:

Restored brain functions

More organized life

Improved social skills

Effective communication

Enhanced confidence

Better memory and decision-making

Better prospects at school and work

What our patients say

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