Home / 10 common signs that indicate it’s time to consult a neurologist

10 common signs that indicate it’s time to consult a neurologist

10 common signs that indicate it’s time to consult a neurologist

Do you often get unexplainable headaches and bouts of nausea, and immediately google your symptoms? Well, it’s time to ditch the search engine and consult a neurologist who can help identify the trigger behind these signs — which could lead to major neurological issues if not treated in time.

While it’s not necessary that such symptoms could be an indicator of something more serious, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. That’s why we’re listing the 10 common symptoms that you should never ignore.

Chronic nausea: Have you been experiencing unexplained nausea now and then? You need to visit a neurologist as it can be a symptom of migraine or other such conditions. Talk to your physician today!

Loss of memory: All of us forget things — such as where we left our keys or whether we turned the geyser off. But if this forgetfulness is interfering with your day-to-day activities and your loved ones are noticing, then it could be connected to an underlying neurological issue.

Prolonged shivers: Our bodies may shiver involuntarily once in a while — due to cold weather, fever, or even a strenuous workout. But if these spells are happening often or lasting a long time, it’s important to visit a neurologist right away.

Unexplained weight changes: Have you been paying attention to your body lately? Have you noticed that you are gaining weight or losing it drastically without any logical reason? It could be a neurological issue that is affecting your hormones.

Slurred speech: Slurring may be caused by alcohol consumption or extreme weakness. But if it happens often and with no logical explanation, it could be related to a neurological disorder.

Weak Limbs:
Have you been experiencing numbness or heaviness in your hands and legs for unknown reasons? Then it is time you visit a neurologist as it could lead to some serious issues if left undiagnosed.

Sleep-related problems: Inability to fall asleep could often be due to professional stress or personal issues. But if it’s happening for no apparent reason, it could be a neurological condition.

Change in vision: Vision may be affected due to aging, injury to the eye, or exposure to bright lights. But if you have been experiencing double or blurred vision or loss of vision without the above-mentioned factors affecting it, then the problem might be more severe than you think.

Headaches: Headaches are quite common, and often harmless. If they start affecting your daily life, it’s time to see a doctor.

Dizziness: This could happen due to factors such as tiredness, dehydration, or fever, etc. In some cases though, it could be a sign of a serious neurological disorder — it’s always better to see a doctor.

Now that we have explored the different symptoms that can indicate some deeper neurological issues, let’s look at some therapies that can help.

  • Stem Cell Therapy- This is a non-surgical procedure wherein stem cells that have regenerative capacities are implanted in the patient’s body and to replace damaged cells. Stem Cell Therapy in Bangalore and other cities have proven to be successful.
  • Physiotherapy- This improves the patient’s mobility, posture, balance, and gait while boosting strength and endurance.
  • Occupational Therapy- The main focus of occupational therapy is to help the affected individual undertake daily activities with ease. Improving handwriting is part of occupational therapy.
  • Speech Therapy- Here, the focus is on the patient’s facial muscles, mouth, and throat. The therapist helps the patient regain his/her communication skills by leveraging various techniques including non-verbal communication.

So, to conclude, if you and your loved ones are going through any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it is important to get it checked immediately to prevent serious issues later.

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