15 August, a day which is etched in the minds of all the Indians, a day when the world witnessed \”Independence” in it\’s mightiest form is celebrated with great zeal throughout the country. For us at Plexus Neuro and Cell research Centre, it\’s also the day when Dr. Na\’eem Sadiq laid the Centre’s foundation with the vision of bringing \”independence\” for the differently abled. For the ones inflicted by disease and disability, independence in performing their daily life tasks is itself a dream.
We at Plexus take pride in announcing the completion of 7 glorious years of celebrating independence, rebuilding lives and re-structuring futures. The journey so far has been an amalgamation of a lot of thrilling moments and lessons learnt. Starting it\’s journey as a Centre with 3 rooms and 3 employees to a 5-storey building with 35 employees, Plexus has grown in space, ability, facilities and the number of awards and recognition it has received. The combination of experience, care, compassion, knowledge and empathy work as a wonder drug for our patients who come to us on wheelchair and return home walking.
The many aspects of our treatment revolve around only one entity- the patient and his/her priorities. Our custom-made treatment regimens promise to maximize \”independence\” for our patients and we can proudly say that we are able to fulfill our promise to most of our patients.
Thank you note from the Director
“I thank the Almighty, all the patrons and well-wishers, my extremely dedicated staff and my ever supportive and understanding children for their unconditional love and support to make me live my dreams today”.