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Natural ways to increase stem cell production

Natural ways to increase stem cell production

Stem cells are the very basis of life. It is from these cells that other specialised cells are generated. Essentially, our body requires an unending supply of stem cells. 

Stem cells help in managing neurological conditions, autoimmune disorders, osteoarthritis of the knee, and a whole range of other chronic and degenerative diseases. 

As we grow older, our body’s production of stem cells begins to decline. Given their role in keeping us healthy and managing symptoms of major diseases, it is only right that we do our bit to help increase production of stem cells in our body. 

And how can we do that?

Read on to find out.

Stem cells – a quick overview

Stem cells are undifferentiated progenitor cells procured from one part of the body. They have the ability to transform and/or multiply into specialised cells.

In stem cell therapy, injected stem cells help repair or restore function of diseased, dysfunctional, and/or injured tissue. These cells provide immunomodulation, secrete growth factors, and also produce supporting cells that have the potential to protect damaged motor neurons from further damage and degeneration. 

Stem cell activators

The broad term for any external stimulant/supplement that activates stem cells is stem cell activators. They are typically in the form of dietary supplements, diets, and even lifestyle choices. 

Stem cell activators live up to their name. They activate the seemingly dormant stem cells in our body. These dormant cells are usually found in older adults, and individuals with chronic and degenerative diseases. Let’s understand these activators below.

Regenerative diet

Also known as the anti-inflammatory diet

Did you know there are inflammation-causing foods sitting in your kitchen shelves and refrigerators right now? These include:

  • Deep-fried items – Everyone’s favourite chai-time snacks like samosas and pakoras must be avoided as much as possible.
  • Aerated beverages – These are high in sugar content and absolutely detrimental to your health.
  • Refined carbohydrates – White breads, pizzas, pastas, pastries, sweetmeats, etc. are delicious on the tongue but dangerous in the long run.
  • Lard – Not common in every Indian household, lard is traditional cooking fat that can severely damage the gut.
  • Processed meats – These meats are preserved by adding artificial preservatives (curing) or salting (smoking). Your favourite burgers and hot dogs contain high-fat bacon and deli-meats that have harmful effects.

The above inflammatory foods can trigger inflammatory pathways that impact the body’s immune system. This impairs the body’s ability to fight bacteria, viruses, and other toxins.

The regenerative diet is enriched with anti-inflammatory foods that increase stem cell production, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity. Below are some doctor-recommended anti-inflammatory foods. Do make these a part of your diet from today.

  1. Green leafy vegetables – Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale, bok choy, etc.
  2. Fruits – Oranges, cherries, grapes, apples, pomegranates, etc.
  3. Berries – Strawberries, blueberries, goji berries, raspberries, etc. 
  4. Almonds, walnuts, and other seeds and nuts (unsalted)
  5. Salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, and other fatty fish
  6. Ginger
  7. Mushroom

Green leafy vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables contain sulforaphane compounds, which boosts liver function. They are also loaded with Indole-3-carbinol particles. These help reduce inflammatory agents.

Fruits, especially berries, have superoxide dismutase (SOD). This is a powerful antioxidant that has inflammation reducing flavonoids. Additionally, these fruits support liver function, alleviate joint pains, and also help reduce stress.

Seeds and nuts are protein-rich foods that have good fats. They also help maintain weight. Seeds have anti-inflammatory plant sterols, while nuts have alpha-linolenic acid. Both help in reducing inflammation.

The most natural stem activators are seafood and fatty fish. Loaded with omega-3 fats, these fish help in reducing inflammation, boost the immune system, and lower the risk of heart disease. If you’re a vegetarian, or do not enjoy seafood, your doctor may prescribe fish oil capsules to increase stem cell production.

Ginger is perhaps the most underestimated vegetable in your kitchen right now. By reducing polyunsaturated fats, ginger helps in lowering inflammation in the body. Additionally, ginger boosts immunity, relieves nausea and indigestion, improves skin, aids in weight loss, provides soothing relief from sore throats, and more.

Mushrooms are loaded with stem cell enhancers called polyphenols. They also boost liver function.

Bonus Indian ginseng, also known as Ashwagandha helps reduce inflammation, relieves anxiety and stress, improves fertility, reduces blood sugar, and has a whole host of other benefits.

Please note: If you are allergic/averse to any of the above mentioned ingredients, you can ask your doctor to prescribe dietary supplements to increase stem cell production, and support your body’s nutritional requirements.

Other ways to increase stem cells

Intermittent Fasting – Short-term fasting has been found to trigger an increase in cellular regeneration

Regular Exercise – Burn those calories and boost stem cell production with brisk walking, jogging, yoga, zumba, weight-training, etc. Studies have shown 40-45 mins of daily exercise can improve physical and mental health. Exercise is also known to play a crucial role in stem cell activation and regeneration.

Adequate Sleep – Clocking in a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep is essential for boosting stem cell production. Studies have shown sleep apnea and insomnia (caused by lack of sleep) can inhibit stem cell activity by up to 50%.

Best Regenerative Rehabilitation in India

Founded by Dr Na’eem Sadiq, Plexus Neuro and Stem Cell Research Center is India’s first ISO-certified centre for regenerative rehabilitation. We use autologous stem cells taken from the patient’s own body to treat a variety of neurological conditions.

To know more about our stem cell therapy programme, reach out to us today.

WhatsApp +91 89048 42087

Call +91 89048 42087 (Hyderabad) | +91 82299 99888 (Bangalore)


What vitamins increase stem cells?

Vitamin C, found in fruits and vegetables, helps increase stem cell production.

What kills stem cells?

Inflammatory foods like aerated beverages, high-sugar foods, deep-fried foods, processed meats, refined carbohydrates, unpasteurised dairy products, etc, are known to inhibit stem cell production.

Can we produce more stem cells?

Yes, by eating healthy well-balanced meals, and getting adequate exercise and sleep, we can certainly boost stem cell production.

How do stem cells repair?

Simply put, injected stem cells remind the body of its self-healing capabilities and help in the repair of damaged or diseased cells.

How do we get stem cells?

There are four main sources of stem cells. They are:

  • Embryonic tissues
  • Fetal tissues
  • Adult tissues
  • Differentiated somatic cells

What food repairs stem cells?

Anti-inflammatory foods like olive oil, tomatoes, cruciferous vegetables, berries, seeds, nuts, fatty fish, etc. can help repair stem cells.

Do stem cells grow back?

Yes, stem cells have the ability to regenerate and self-renew.

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