Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopment brain disorder characterised by hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. It affects the functioning and development of persons affected by this condition, and influences their quality of life.
Hyperactivity would include excessive activity inappropriate for a given situation, like fidgeting, jerks, non-stop talking, taps, moving about constantly, etc. Impulsivity would include hasty actions without much forethought, usually with an eye on immediate gains or rewards, like blurting out inappropriate comments without considering the effect on the listener, or show emotions without control, or act without thinking about the consequence, impatience to get something without waiting for the individual’s turn, etc. Inattention is the lack of ability of the individual to focus on an activity or perform a task or complete it with persistence.
ADHD is, thus, a multi-component disorder of which impulsivity is considered as the central feature. The presence of each component can vary from patient to patient and across their lifespan. Although it is common to have some degree of inattentiveness or impulsivity or hyperactivity among children, in individuals affected by ADHD, these signs occur more frequently, are more severe and affect their quality of life.
Read about the symptoms of ADHD here.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders categorizes ADHD depending on the behavioral symptoms as:
1.Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly Inattentive Type
2.Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type
3.Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type
ADHD is usually seen in children and teens and can continue into adulthood. It is usually diagnosed during early school years, between the age of 3 and 6, when children are unable to pay attention. It is more prevalent among boys than girls.
Causes ADHD
Although the precise causes of ADHD are not fully understood, research indicates that a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurobiological factors may contribute to the development of the disorder. Some of the key factors thought to play a role in the etiology of ADHD include:
Genetic Factors
Family History: Individuals with a family history of ADHD are at a higher risk of developing the condition themselves.
Genetic Variants: Research has identified several genes that may be associated with ADHD, including genes involved in the regulation of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which play a crucial role in attention and impulse control.
Neurobiological Factors
Neurotransmitter Imbalance: ADHD is associated with abnormalities in the levels and functioning of neurotransmitters, especially dopamine and norepinephrine, that are involved in regulating attention, behavior, and executive functions.
Brain Structure and Function: Differences in the structure and activity of certain brain regions – such as the prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum – may be indicative of ADHD. These regions are involved in attention, impulse control, and motor coordination.
Environmental Factors
Prenatal Exposures: Maternal smoking, alcohol consumption, or exposure to environmental toxins like lead during pregnancy, may increase the risk of ADHD in offspring.
Early Childhood Experiences: Maternal stress, trauma, neglect, or other adverse early life experiences may contribute to the development of ADHD symptoms later in life.
Other Factors
Premature Birth: Premature birth and low birth weight have been associated with an increased risk of ADHD.
Brain Injury: Traumatic brain injury or other neurological conditions affecting brain development increases the likelihood of ADHD symptoms.
Management of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADHD cannot be cured, or prevented. However, there are ways in which it can be managed. And the characteristic signs of ADHD can be medically controlled. Early identification, intervention, and support hinge on understanding the multifaceted nature of ADHD.
Medication for ADHD is usually a ‘stimulant’. It might sound unusual to treat this condition with what is known as a stimulant. However, these stimulants increase brain chemicals such as dopamine and norepinephrine which help in attention building and thinking. Such medications, like any other, are to be taken under strict medical supervision, as they do come with side effects and risks. Doctors might prescribe non-stimulants, if patients report serious side effects when taking stimulants.
Behaviour Therapy
Psychotherapy approaches such as behavioural therapy, family/marital therapy, etc. can assist the patient and persons interacting with them.
Behavioural therapy will help the patient change his or her behaviour. Controlling their anger, completing their tasks, or organizing daily activities, etc. can be easier for the patient by managing on their own. Family members, carers at school or colleagues at work can help by providing clear instructions or set routines the patient can follow. They can also provide the patient with positive or negative feedback about accomplished activities.
Social skills can be learnt, thereby, improving their social interaction. Therapy for the family or spouse of the affected person will help them understand what the patient is going through and how they can help to ease the patient into a managed state.
Cell Therapy
Recent advancement in medical research has shown promising results in the use of Cell therapy for treatment of ADHD. Cell transplant is a relatively new medical intervention. It replaces damaged cells in the brain with healthy ones. ADHD affected persons can benefit from these new brain cells that function normally, thus, easing several behavioral problems associated with the condition.
Educating Caregivers
Educating parents and schools about ADHD can help pick out early signs in children. Teaching people around a patient how to help, by providing routines and schedules, by encouraging positive behavior, setting up situations in which the patient can respond with appropriate responses and thus, encouraging themselves, can ensure a successful overall management of the condition. Training the patient in social skills can help improve their social interaction, by teaching them how to behave in social situations.
ADHD can often cause negative or stressful emotions among the parents or the spouse, as most symptoms of the condition can be mistaken for poor behavior before the individual is diagnosed with ADHD. Stress management techniques for those around the patients can help keep them calm and can encourage them to support the patients.
Support groups can open a world of assistance by way of sharing experiences and, by that, provide relief in knowing that the affected families are not alone.
At Plexus, we offer customized treatment plans to manage ADHD. Our treatment includes:
- Sensory Integration Therapy
- Psychoeducation
- Play Therapy
- Cognitive Restructuring
To know more about our treatment plans for ADHD, reach out to our teams in Bangalore or Hyderabad today.
WhatsApp +91 89048 42087
Call +91 78159 64668 (Hyderabad) | +91 82299 99888 (Bangalore)
How does ADHD affect daily life?
ADHD is known to significantly impact daily life. It causes difficulties with focus, executive function, time management, impulsivity, and social interactions. It may also affect academic performance, work productivity, relationships, and overall quality of life. With early intervention and proper treatment, individuals with ADHD can develop coping strategies and manage symptoms effectively.
Can a child with ADHD lead a normal life?
With timely diagnosis, treatment, and support, children with ADHD can definitely lead fulfilling and successful lives. Although they may face challenges related to attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, children with ADHD thrive with early intervention, structured routines, accommodations, and positive reinforcement.
Read more about the impact of ADHD on a child’s academic performance here.
Do ADHD kids improve with age?
With timely diagnosis, appropriate treatment and support, many children with ADHD show improvement in symptoms as they grow older. While some symptoms may persist into adulthood, children develop coping strategies, self-awareness, and executive functioning skills that enable them to manage their symptoms more effectively as they grow into adolescence and adulthood.
Is ADHD a mental health issue?
Since ADHD impacts cognitive functioning, behavior, and emotional regulation, ADHD is regarded as a mental health issue. It can occur alongside other mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression.
ADHD is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder in the DSM-5, reflecting its impact on brain development and functioning.