No Strain. No Pain. Just Gains!

Only With Plexus' Sports Injury Rehab
Despite the name, sports injuries are not limited to athletes. For every cricketer who sprains their shoulder, there is a non-athlete who experiences the same during their morning run or evening workout.
Stem cell therapy is widely regarded as one of the most successful treatments for sports injuries. At Plexus Bangalore and Hyderabad, we provide the most advanced stem cell treatment for sports injuries.

Decoding Sports Injuries

The term sports injury — in the broadest sense — refers to the kinds of injuries that most commonly occur during sports or physical exercise. They usually involve the muscles, bones, and associated tissues, like cartilage.

Classification of Sports Injuries

Acute Injuries

Sudden injuries, like a sprained ankle from an awkward landing. Some of the symptoms are severe pain, swelling, sensitivity in the affected area, and the inability to move.

Chronic Injuries

These develop slowly and are characterized by swelling, pain while performing an activity, and a dull ache when at rest. They are caused by repeated overuse of muscle groups or joints.

Types of Sports Injuries

In the world of athletic endeavors, there are many common sports injuries such as sprains, strains, inflamed tendons, rotator cuff injuries, and others. Let’s take a closer look at some of these:
Meniscal Tears
Knee Sprains
Tendon Tears
Rotator Cuff Tear
Shoulder Instability
Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder Bursitis

Symptoms of Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can stem from direct impact, putting more force on a joint than it can handle, or overuse. Common symptoms of such injuries include:

Aches, pain, or tenderness
Deformity, such as a bone or joint looking out of place
Decreased range of motion
Grinding, cracking, clicking, or popping noise
Inability to bear weight on your hip, leg or foot
Skin being warm to touch
Stiffness or weakness
Trouble moving a body part normally
Injury Avoidance Education
Occupational Conditioning
Scar management
Eliminating the need for corrective surgery
Improve hand functions
Improve hand functions
Improve performance in daily life activities
Promote return-to-work
Improve performance in classroom activities
Improve performance in classroom activities
Improve fine motor skills
Improve fine motor skills

Causes of Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can stem from direct impact, putting more force on a joint than can handle, or overuse. Common symptoms of such injuries include:

  • Accidents
  • Not warming up or stretching enough
  • Lack of safety equipment
  • Damaged gear
  • Ill-fitting shoes
  • Crash workouts
Accidents, such as falls
Bad habits with exercise, such as not warming up or stretching enough
Adaptable to reduced swelling and improved range of motion

Lack of safety equipment, or gear that’s damaged or worn incorrectly

Nerve Desensitization Icon
Shoes that don’t fit well or provide enough support during exercise or sports
Sudden start to an exercise program or significant increase in physical activity

Lack of safety equipment, or gear that’s damaged or worn incorrectly

Sports Injury Diagnosis

Diagnosing sports injuries is a crucial step in developing a suitable treatment plan. The diagnostic process typically involves:
Medical History
Physical Examination
Scar management
Eliminating the need for corrective surgery
Improve hand functions
Improve hand functions
Improve performance in daily life activities
Promote return-to-work
Improve performance in classroom activities
Improve performance in classroom activities
Improve fine motor skills
Improve fine motor skills

Treatments for Sports Injuries

Minor injuries can be treated with
RICE – rest, ice, compression, elevation
Over-the-counter and prescription medicines

Joint injections 

Scar management
Eliminating the need for corrective surgery
Improve hand functions
Improve hand functions
Improve performance in daily life activities
Promote return-to-work
Improve performance in classroom activities
Improve performance in classroom activities
Improve fine motor skills
Improve fine motor skills

Stem Cells for Sports Injuries at Plexus

At Plexus, we use autologous mesenchymal stem cells to repair the damaged cells within the patient’s body. The stem cells migrate to the site of injury and release growth factors that kick-start the natural repair mechanism of the body and hasten recovery. Stem cell therapy  has been used to treat a range of sports injuries, including:

  • Tennis Elbow: Stem cells help in healing the tendons of the elbow.
  • Achilles Tendinitis: Stem cells reduce inflammation and support healing.
  • Knee Injuries: Stem cells promote cartilage repair in the knee joint.

Sports Injury Rehabilitation at Plexus

Rehabilitation is a critical component of sports injuries treatment in India. It is a carefully structured program designed to aid the healing process and prevent further injuries. Rehabilitation encompasses the following:

Physical Therapy

Helps increase strength and improve function and mobility through targeted exercises that include:

  • Exercise Therapy: Tailored exercise programs to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
  • Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques to improve joint mobility and soft tissue flexibility.
  • Education: Athletes are educated on injury prevention and proper technique.
  • Biomechanical Analysis: Identifying and addressing improper movement patterns that contribute to injury.
  • Progressive Loading: Gradually increasing the intensity of exercises to support a safe return to sport.

Depending on the severity of your condition, our team works closely with you and your family to provide comprehensive rehabilitation, that includes the best physical therapy and sports rehabilitation. It helps to manage pain, prevent permanent damage, and regain strength and movement in parts of their body after an injury.

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