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Navigate Oppositional Defiant Disorder with Our Specialists

Does your child or teenager have a persistent pattern of anger, irritability, arguing, defiance, or vindictiveness towards you and other authority figures? Sometimes what is passed off as teenage rebellion may actually be a sign of Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Let’s understand this disorder and also throw light on the benefits of treating oppositional defiant disorder at Plexus Bangalore and Hyderabad.

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Decoding Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Decoding Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a condition in which a child or teenager displays a continuing pattern of uncooperative, defiant, hostile, and annoying behavior toward people in authority. This disruptive behavior affects their daily functioning, including relationships and activities with their home, school, or community.

According to research, 2 to 16 percent of children and teens have Oppositional Defiant Disorder. It is quite common for children, especially those in their “terrible twos” and early teens to defy authority. And even the best-behaved ones can be difficult at times. They may express their defiance by arguing, disobeying, or talking back to authority figures. However, when this behavior lasts longer than six months and is of a more extreme nature, the child may be experiencing Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

The earliest signs of oppositional defiant disorder usually begin in children during their preschool years, although there have been cases where the symptoms have manifested later.

icon Throwing repeated temper tantrums
Repeated temper tantrums
icon Excessively arguing
Excessively arguing with adults
icon Actively refusing
Actively refusing to comply with requests and rules
icon revenge
Trying to annoy or upset others
icon Being easily
Being easily annoyed by others
icon Blaming others
Blaming others for mistakes
icon Having frequent
Having frequent outbursts of anger and resentment
icon Being spiteful
Being spiteful and seeking revenge
icon Swearing or using
Swearing or using obscene language
icon Saying mean
Saying mean and hateful things when upset
Causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorder
The exact cause of Oppositional Defiant Disorder is still unknown, however, researchers have found that it might be due to a combination of biological, genetic, and environmental factors.
Treatments for Oppositional Defiant Disorder
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The treatment for Oppositional Defiant Disorder depends on multiple factors, including the child’s age, the severity of their symptoms, and the ability to receive specific therapies. 

We employ the following measures to help your child:

  • Cognitive restructuring or reframing
  • Exposure therapy
  • Journaling and thought records
  • Guided discovery
  • Activity scheduling and behavior activation
  • Relaxation and stress reduction techniques
  • Behavioral experimenting
  • Role-playing
Usually, therapists use different types of treatment as part of Behavioral Therapy to identify and rectify unhealthy behaviors. It is rooted in the principles of behaviorism ​​— a school of thought focused on the idea that we learn our behavior from our environment. Hence, unhealthy behavior can be changed through repeated practice by:
  • Providing a support network necessary for recovery
  • Building self-esteem by focusing on problems and working toward their solution
  • Turning negative thoughts into positive, more realistic ones
  • Controlling anger and recognizing the reasons behind it
  • Communicating feelings with other individuals
  • Improving coping skills for stressful situations
  • Preventing relapses with the help of necessary tools
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Therapy for Oppositional Defiant Disorder at Plexus

Plexus specializes in offering holistic therapy for oppositional defiant disorder with a combination of the following:

icon Acting without thinking
Anger Management

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The exact cause of Oppositional Defiant Disorder is still unknown. However, researchers have found that it is often caused by a combination of biological, genetic, and environmental factors. These include defects or injuries to certain areas of the brain, family history of mental disorders, dysfunctional family life, substance abuse, and inconsistent discipline by parents or other authority figures.

WIth proper diagnosis and treatment from a renowned neurological center like Plexus, children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder do improve over time. Research has shown that signs and symptoms resolve within 3 years in approximately 67% of children diagnosed with the disorder.

There is no single treatment for children and adolescents experiencing Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). It depends on multiple factors, including the child’s age, the severity of their symptoms, and the ability to receive specific therapies. Moreover, the most effective treatment plan will be tailored to the individual needs of each child and family. Usually, it is a combination of the following therapies:

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Behavior Therapy
  • Sensory Integration Therapy
  • Emotional Regulation Therapy
  • Anger Management

There is no assured way to prevent Oppositional Defiant Disorder. In children, parent management, social skills training, conflict resolution and anger management programs can result in varying degrees of success. For adolescents, psycho-educational programs, including cognitive interventions and skills training, vocational training, and academic preparations can help improve behavior and manage the early symptoms.

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