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Rewrite your story by improving your hands’ mobility

Hand rehabilitation

Our hands play an irreplaceable role in our lives. From managing day-to-day tasks to complex actions, restricted mobility in our hands can make even the most basic activities difficult. That’s why at Plexus, we believe it’s vital to provide timely and effective rehabilitation and care to ensure maximum functioning

Under the expertise of Dr Na’eem Sadiq, our team of Hand Therapists treat various conditions pertaining to the hand and arm. To ensure that you enjoy the maximum possible independence in all aspects of your life, we conduct detailed comprehensive evaluations and tailor individualized treatment plans. Our goal is to help you restore hand function, minimize pain, and strengthen your muscles.

At Plexus, our hand rehabilitation clinic treats any condition that is limiting the functioning of your hand and arm – be it due to accidents, neurological illnesses, developmental disorders like cerebral palsy, or sports-related injuries.

icons Functional strengthening activities

Tendon and nerve injuries

icons Joint Mobilization

Carpal tunnel syndrome

icons Post surgical rehabilitation
Fractures, dislocations, and strains
icons Soft tissue procedures
Soft tissue injuries
icons Electrical stimulation
Chronic pain
icons Pain management
icons Oedema management
Rheumatoid Arthritis or other arthritic conditions
icons Scar management 46
icons Dexterity training
icons ADL training
Hand contractures
icons Hand function training
icons Handwriting training
icons Nerve Desensitization
Focal hand dystonia
icons Sensory Re education
Anomalies present at birth
icons Mirror Therapy
Movement disorders due to psychological conditions
icons Custom Orthotics and Hand Splinting 54
Hand deformities and deficits in hand functions that arise due to neurological conditions such as – Motor neuron disease, parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, brachial plexus injury, stroke and multiple sclerosis.
icons Custom Orthotics and Hand Splinting 55
Thermo Therapy
icons Taping
icons Injury avoidance education
Injury Avoidance Education
icons Occupational conditioning
Occupational Conditioning

Depending on the condition and the recovery goals, the hand rehabilitation experts at Plexus employ a wide range of tools and techniques to improve muscle and bone function. After a thorough functional assessment, we design activities and therapies to improve your hand’s motion, dexterity, and strength. Here are some of the many ways we can help:

icons Pain relief
Compression therapy and edema management
icons Restoration of strength and mobility
Pain management
icons Improve grip strength and grasp
Scar tissue management
icons Regaining nerve function and improve sensations
Manual therapy
icons Scar management 63
Joint protection and energy conservation training
icons Eliminating the need for corrective surgery
Therapeutic modalities for tissue and joint preconditioning
icons Improve hand functions
Desensitization, sensory re-education, and sensory compensation techniques

That’s not all, we make custom-made hand splintsorthotics to support functions, assist or increase range of motion, and immobilize and protect the affected areas after surgery or to correct a deformity or injury.

icons Promote return to work
Promote return-to-work
icons Improve performance in classroom activities
Improve performance in classroom activities
icons Improve fine motor skills
Improve fine motor skills

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Gain the upper hand with effective individualized treatment plans

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